Why is so much marketing literature focussed on B2C
What does Jenni Romaniuk have to say about B2B?
Does the law of double jeopardy matter for B2B as much as it does for B2C?
Benefits of ling term brand building for B2B businesses
Priming a buyer for your B2B brand
In market buyers vs out of market buyers.
How and where should we advertise for B2B?
Is LinkedIn a dog?
Social media usage statistics and why they matter.
The biggest LinkedIn understatement of the year so far. You heard it here, second.
Why Facebook may be a better place for your B2B ad than LinkedIn
The truth about display advertising
Could Microsoft display network be better aligned to B2B advertising than the Google Display Network
Are people who are in business still people and should we treat them as such?
Do CEO’s watch Lego Wars?
3 ways to use LinkedIn for B2B (2 of which work.)
Resources Mentioned
Michaela Jefferson – Customer acquisition is the only viable growth strategy in B2B, says Ehrenberg-Bass’s Romaniuk – https://www.marketingweek.com/customer-acquisition-growth-strategy-b2b/
Peter Weinberg & Jon Lombardo – Why B2B marketers need to bet big on ‘The Big Long’ – https://www.marketingweek.com/b2b-marketers-bet-big-long/
The B2b Institute – https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/b2b-institute